For years, I've had my expensive SLR Nikon camera and absolutely no idea how to use it. I did keep it set to manual focus and P mode but I had no idea what my White Balance should be or where to set my ISO. I could only take photos during the day when the sunlight was good and rooms were well lit.
This Christmas, my mom gave me a photo class for my present and I'm on week two of my class. I took the photo above in P mode, but I changed the White Balance to tungsten lighting and set my ISO for 800. For comparison, the photo below is what type of photos I have been taking by keeping my ISO at 1600 and my White Balance on Auto.
This week, we are working on metering and I'm totally over my head but I certainly enjoy learning. Too bad I'm taking a class in wintertime when everything is dull, brown and ugly!
Jess, I am really looking forward to more posts like this! I have a camera and I have been meaning to figure out how to use it! I am going to start playing around with pictures based on your tips! Thanks!!
But just think, by the time Colorado is springing to life, you will already know how to use your camera and be able to take brilliant and amazing pictures!!
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