Monday, November 30, 2009

Well, I Almost Failed

I was about 15 seconds from putting the computer to sleep and getting into bed. I almost ruined my NaBloPoMo posting for the month on the last day! That would be a shame.

Not that I really have anything to share. CS got paid today but they want him to hold his check until tomorrow because they claim that the hundreds of dollars from investors are being wired in this week. coughbullshitcough. So I paid bills tonight and I will go deposit that check tomorrow. Because we need the money and Yo, that holding checks shit is ILLEGAL. Luckily, the paycheck is a "full" paycheck instead of half but it's only full because it's for 20 hours less than usual.

Jacob went from 1 Pm to 9 PM without any nursing at all. He ate a full string cheese, some noodles, a few bites of pear and banana in between those times. I am proud of him! We're getting somewhere with the eating solids. However, he nursed at least four times before noon so that kind of cancels the evening out.

Baby's awake! Drat.

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