Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kitchen Aid!

The past weekend, I attended a paper piecing retreat in Fort Collins. We were taught by the lovely Penny and it's incredible how much I learned. I had zero knowledge of how to even attempt paper piecing and while I am not anywhere near a pro, I was super excited to be able to paper piece a little fox for the baby's quilt. Assuming I can get around to finishing that before June. 

The block I made it the Kitchen Aid mixer with the bright blue background and we thought I should include my belly in almost every photo I took. It's kind of taking over everything. 

We didn't stay the night at the Inn, but next time I am totally spending the night in the yellow room here. It has the most amazing bathtub, although I don't think I can get in and out of it safely at the moment. I also had the best food EVER, all made by Tara and she is absolutely hilarious. I can't even re-create the conversations we had in her car as we drove around FoCo on Saturday afternoon. 

So, just another reason why I think moving to Fort Collins would be a stellar idea. We just need AMR to transfer Chris and we are all set.  

I also got the chance to go out to dinner with one of my co-workers and one of my bosses. It's great to work at home, but I would love to be able to work around everyone at the warehouse!  They also gifted me with an amazing maternity leave package and I can't tell you how blessed I was to have that security from them. 

1 comment:

Mrs. Wells said...

I LOVED Fort Collins!
(I'm catching up on the blogging world. lol)