Friday, December 30, 2011

2011: A recap

1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before? Left Jacob with Chris for a three day weekend and went to a wedding for one of my OWU friends. It was awesome and much too short. I took a photography class and finally learned how to use my SLR in manual.

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don't even remember if I did a resolution last year. Probably not, as it's not really something I strive to do. I'd rather make a change as I find the need.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Yes, my friend Jessica had her son this Spring and then promptly moved to South Dakota. Also, many people, myself included got themselves knocked up!

4. Did anyone close to you die? No, we were fortunate this year.

5. What countries did you visit? None!

6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011? A place to call our own. We are long past due for a house of our own and I want to work really hard to get that this year. We need it, as a family.

7. What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? October 7th, when I took my first positive pregnancy test. May, when Chris got the call that he was hired on as a medic.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Working hard to ensure that I always had enough money to pay my bills and have enough time to be a mother to Jacob. I know he watches way too much TV, but I'm proud that I've been able to ensure he is getting enough from me as his almost stay at home mom.

9. What was your biggest failure? It's not really my fault, per say, but my three months of morning sickness really made it hard for me to be present as a parent. This go around is much harder on me than I thought it would be!

10. Did you suffer illness or injury? We have been pretty healthy this year, besides a couple colds, which always seems to linger around in my sinuses longer than I would like.

11. What was the best thing you bought? My phone? It was free, but we do have to pay more for the data package. I don't need it, but it's sure nice to have in a bind or as a way to keep Jacob entertained.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Chris, because he's really turned into a different person since he got his job with AMR. He finally found his calling and it's made a huge difference in our relationship and with Jacob.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Most recently, I'd say my dad really made a bad decision toward my brother. When you cannot have a normal relationship with all three of your children, then the problem lies with you. After 50, it's time to let go of the past and enjoy your life and your family.

14. Where did most of your money go? Sallie Mae, I'm sure. I did finally work a payment plan out with them to allow me to pay on the whole loan and not fork over 100% of my paycheck, but it's still way too much money. When is the bail-out for us? Hmm?

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Having a BABY. It just felt like it was time and I couldn't wait any longer.

16. What song will always remind you of 2011? Red Solo Cup? It's a new one to our family, but we like to play it loudly and sing along.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
b) thinner or fatter? ( I am pregnant)
c) richer or poorer?

18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Spent more time working out. Now that I have my energy back, it's too cold on a lot of days to go for a walk and I know it would be good for me, for Jacob and the baby, and for the dam

19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Not having more play dates. Sometimes it was easier to go do something with just Jacob, instead of setting something up with a friend. But it's hard when I have to work and others do not!

20. How did you spend Christmas? Spend the day at my mom's with my family until Chris got off work. We then went to his parent's for dinner and presents before going home to bed. Monday morning is when we celebrated Christmas as a family, which worked out fine in the end.

21. Did you fall in love in 2011? Yes and Yes. Chris has gone back to the person I fell in love with and it was really hard for a couple of years but we're finally back on track.

22. What was your favorite TV program? I finally dropped Law and Order SVU to record Modern Family and I absolutely love this show.

23. This question has been deleted because it’s SOOO teenage emo Xanga shit.

24. What was the best book you read? Game of Thrones/A Song of Fire and Ice series. It was the best series I've read in a while and I can't wait for the next 2 to be released. I also really want the rest of the Sookie Stackhouse books to be finished!

25. What was your greatest musical discovery? Amy Winehouse and Adele, thanks to Spotify.

26. What did you want and get? A cast iron dutch oven!

27. What did you want and not get? I wanted an iPad but I don't want to shell out the cash to get one. And I had to pay for Hunter to have surgery which took all the money for the iPad.

28. What was your favorite film of this year? I saw Harry Potter, and that's about it. I loved it enough to buy it, although I have a long list on the Netflix cue to work on.

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 28 this year and I took the day off to get a manicure and go shopping. Then Chris threw me a surprise party a couple of weeks later, which was really nice!

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? A new place to live! Even though we did a lot of work here on the yard this summer, and had an awesome garden, it's just not a comfortable place to be anymore.

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011? Pretty much the same as last year. I didn't spend very much on clothing this year.

32. What kept you sane? My very adorable child.

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I don't admire very many people, but I do appreciate those in real life and the internet who do their best to keep drama from their lives.

34. What political issue stirred you the most? I am not very political in any sense, but the corruption of pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies really makes me angry. Along with stupid people who sue others just to get a buck.

35. Who did you miss? My Ohio friends. With a kid, a job and something of a life here, it's hard to keep in touch as much as I would like.

36. Who was the best new person you met? I met a lot of new people this year when I started being more involved in church and it's nice to have that when we go on Sundays.

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011. That we can make it on very little and still feel like our lives are lived to the fullest.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas: Part Three

There is a Part Two, because we opened presents with Chris's family on Christmas night, but I didn't bring my camera so I have no evidence. To recap, Jacob got SO MANY presents that he didn't want to open them toward the end. I had to beg him to open his stocking, and he really didn't care. To say he is the most loved first grandchild on that side would be an understatement.

When Jacob woke up on Monday morning, he wanted his "tools" to play "struction" and that's why he's in his work goggles. He also needed to take his pants off, because they were scratchy.

We got him a couple things of wooden foods and a play kitchen stove, along with a big set of art supplies for his new easel. He was most excited to paint, as he had never done that before. Lucky for me, he's not too messy. Yet.

Then I looked around my living room, full of boxes and paper and felt compelled to leave immediately to avoid feeling claustrophobic in the chaos. So I went to my mom's and made caramels with my uncle. And we promptly forgot AGAIN to adjust for our altitude and made them way to hard. Did I say again? Still delicious though!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas: Part One

Christmas mornings almost always mean I am up hours before Jacob with plenty of time to snap adorable pictures of his sleepy face.

This year, Chris had to work, so we went over to my mom's house for the day. My grandparents, uncle and brothers were all there so it was a nice day to relax and eat food. Jacob got to open some presents, but he only got clothes, money and karate lessons paid for so it wasn't quite exciting for him.

The cousins. They don't actually like each other, but they do like to torment each other. I'm glad Jacob is going to be almost 4 years older than his sibling, to reduce those little spats. Or not, and we're just doomed!!

I got a bunch of maternity clothes I had picked out a while ago, but the downside is that they are all summer clothes and kind of useless in 20 degree weather. But I will be very thankful in May.

My brother and SIL gave me a gift certificate to my most favorite fabric shop of all and I can't wait to use it. I have been putting off my Plus quilt for a while because I need a backing and now I have the means to get it! I also have a gift card to Target from my mom that I am going to be using in a couple of hours. The lure of Target during sale season is too strong.

I'll tell you about Christmas at our house later. It involves a mostly naked baby, but that shouldn't surprise you.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Goodies

Since the two people getting these do not read my blog, I am safe to post them here. At least, I don't think they read it!

The first thing I made was this robe for my nephew:

Jacob reluctantly posed for me. The thumbs up was all his idea. Grainy, computer lightened photo is all me... I used Dana from Made's pattern and it was super simple! I did not need 1 3/4 of fabric, either. I had about 1 1/4 of the terry cloth and a 1/2 yard of seer sucker for the bias tape. I wish I had a serger to keep all the seams neat, but the siz-zag stitch will have to do!

The next present is a pillowcase for a floor pillow/European pillow. My SIL loves them and I was going to get her the whole thing, but we went to Ikea together and she picked up a few pillows so I thought I'd make her the case instead. She has a thing for red and black, obviously. :)

The backing fabric came from my mom, she picked the red peacock fabric up on a vacation in Florida and I finally cut into it for this. Luckily, there is enough left for me to make something for myself.

I kept the selvedge edge because Patty Young did here. I've made this pillow before, with Michael Miller's Metro Circles and I love how quick and easy it comes together!

I still have two things to make before Sunday. A purse for another SIL and a Box Pouch for another SIL. But first I get to go have dinner with my co-worker at Main Street Grille and let her know that I'm going to have a baby! I'm a little nervous about it! Ce la vie. :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Jacob Says:

A commercial for those freaky La La Loopsey dolls comes on, and I ask Jacob what they are because I like to hear him say La La Loopsey.

Jacob: Wa Wa Woopsy. They for girls.
Me: Oh, ok! And what can they do with them?
Jacob: They can collect them all!

I guess he is learning things from TV. Just not exactly what I want him to learn...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

To Market, to Market!

This weekend, I got some of my sewing mojo back and got all 11 Market bags finished. It took a couple of hours, and I got my mom and SIL to help me a bit. I'm always nervous when picking out fabrics for other people, so I really hope that they are well received!

I even had to pick out fabric from some guys, which is not always an easy thing to do.

Luckily, I had the four in the above photo already made, so I got to save myself a little bit of time!

I love the Hedgehogs, don't you?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Jacob requested that I take his picture. He looks much too big and grown up. But at least he's wearing clothing. I'm not sure how he runs around naked when the house is about 59 degrees but he does. He's also taking his pants off at bedtime and sleeping in just a shirt. When he comes to my bad in the middle of the night, his little legs and bottom are ice cold and somehow he snuggles right into my back where my shirt is pulled up and my very warm skin is exposed. That might explain why I have a hard time sleeping at night, actually.

In non-Jacob related things, I had to bring Chris his disgusting can of chew to the hospital last night because he is a completely unable to remember to bring everything he might need for the day/night to work. At some point, I'm going to have to cut him loose and he'll have to suffer the consequences. However, last night when I stopped by the hospital, we asked one of his co-workers if we could use a Doppler to listen to the baby. She happily went and got one for us, and Chris got to find the heartbeat for the first time! It was very nice to have that little assurance since I'm no longer feeling like death to confirm that I am in fact still pregnant. The heartbeat was good and strong, somewhere in the 150-170 range.

And since that level falls under the lovely myth that I'm going to have a girl, it was a great night!

Thursday, December 08, 2011


It seems that I have a returned appetite! Most of October and November, I had to force down food. It's a terrible catch-22, to need to eat and have no desire to cook or eat anything at all.

Also, my clothes are starting to feel a little tight. But I generally wear yoga pants and soft shirts, so the rare occasion when I put on jeans isn't that much of an issue. Thank goodness for LL Bean vests!

Last night I made dinner. Today, I started the crock pot before work.

But the biggest thing is that I finally feel like sewing again, just a little bit. Which is good because I have 15 market bags to finish this weekend. Help?