Oh man. This is why I can't take a break. I come back and am completely uninspired. Like, blog wha?
Nothing really happened this weekend except for the fact that I'm not sure there actually was a weekend and I was just extremely busy for two days. And by busy I mean I was shopping and watching movies. Because that's what I did.
Things I didn't do and probably should have:
Laundry (in my defense, I didn't really know I needed to do laundry on Saturday night when I had a little time because my clothes are spread out in multiple rooms and sometimes different houses. But now that I put it all together, it should have been done days ago.)
Decorate the Tree- We were going to do that before JBelle's nap, but then we had to go see Santa and his Reindeers (reindeers is JBelle's word) so the tree is still blank. Will be until probably Wednesday. At least is smells good.
Clean my car- Yesterday and the day before it smelled really awful, and today not so much. Will probably put it off again for another week.
Balance my checkbook- I don't even want to know. Especially now after the binge I was on yesterday. Did I really need another bra and a new fleece. No. Did I need the "Dear Santa" shirt and three Fresh Ink cards? No. Shut up.
I've decided that it's time for us to stop getting real trees and get a fake one. I hate fake ones. But I hate that these trees are grow and chopped down. I love how real ones smell and how they look, but I can't justify killing trees when half the forest in the mountains is being killed by some wierd beetle. Plant the Christmas trees, and bring on the fake ones!
Jess, clearly you need to reevaluate your definition of "need." Do I "need" to go shopping online during class?
I'm guessing you "needed" all the things you bought. I can justify just about anything!
jessica, anonymous seems very concerned about your cash flow. make extra money now!! NOW, JESS, NOW!!
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