Monday, November 27, 2006

Ok, I'm Done With Being Alone Now

I love this picture. I love when she gets so excited that she opens her mouth and screeches. I love when we are in bed in the mornings and she curls up next to me and puts her forehead next to mine. And how when she was sitting in the arm chair, she patted the space next to her and said "You sit here, Jessi."

I would like to add up the time in the past five days I have spent not speaking. I'm not really lonely, I don't mind the time to myself. But I really hate how I feel I haven't said anything to anyone in days. Today would have been a much better day if my co-worker hadn't been smart enough to take the day off. I know we just had four days off, but I need to take another day. But the silence ends tonight since BB is back and I won't be working alone tomorrow. This afternoon has been pretty quiet. I know they are slammed down on the Circ desk downstairs but it's been silent up here for the past thirty minutes. Gives me an excuse to play Justin Timberlake!

One hour left. Need to make (One) Snowman. Should burn (Four) CD's. And clean off my messy desk.

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